Friday, March 25, 2011

Hello World

This week sure was a crazy one! So many blessings happened. I will forever love the MTC and be so grateful for the time I get to spend here. I need all the time I can to prepare. There is just so much to learn and so little time and my strongest desire is to be a good servant of the Lord. I'm not sure if I've reached that point yet. I'm so grateful that the Lord is patient with us and understands our worries and our difficulties.

This week I've learned a lot about patience. As my companions and I are growing closer, we have had to be more patient with each other. This week our focus has been patience and I've learned so much. The biggest thing that I've learned is that when you are impatient, you experience life less and you love people less. That is the last thing I want to do. Also, I've learned that as you begin to understand the worth of a soul, you will be more patient. Basically, if we can learn to really, sincerely love people we can do anything!

This week I've had a lot more humbling experiences with teaching. I know that as a companionship we are good teachers when we have the Spirit. This week we had an amazing lesson with one of our progressive investigators, Jorge, and the spirit spoke to us very strongly. We knew what we needed to share with him and we felt such a love for this man! That night I realized that this is what teaching and being on a mission is all about-about loving people and loving the Lord enough that their welfare is your whole motivation for all you do and all you think about. The lessons after that haven't been quite as good, but that's because I'm not quite there yet. But I know that it's possible and I know that if I'm doing my best and making a real effort, the Lord really will bless me to have those experiences and to know what to say in the very moment.

This week I've learned that we HONESTLY are given weakness so that we turn to the Lord and become better in Him. The scriptures that have stuck out to me the most this week are 2 Cor. 12:9-10, Ether 12:27, and Alma 26. As I said last week, I am just not realizing all the weaknesses I have, but the Lord is just refining me and making me better. What an amazing opportunity to be made into the person the Lord sees for me! Elder Claudio Costa of the presidency of the seventy and his wife came this week for the devotional. His wife said something i love. She said, we don't have to be better than other missionaries, we just need to be better than ourselves- always improving. I can do that!

I love my zone here! they are absolutely wonderful. We're all so different, but we get along so well and I think having that helps us all to encourage each other as we're trying to be better and more close to the Lord. We got a new district this week and there are 5 hermanas in the district. It's so wonderful to have 5 new friends to love! Man, I really am blessed!

This week our district found out that we might be on an MTC special in between conference sessions on Sunday on KSL and BYU tv. If all goes planned, our district will be the one Spanish speaking district that they film, so I might be on TV. So weird, but it would be awesome for all of you to see what my life is like. The camera crew was supposed to come yesterday, but they didn't make it, so it's all up on the air right now. I'll let you know next week for sure what we are doing.

I hope all at home are doing well. It's crazy to think you are all so close, but I still don't get to see you. But it helps me to focus on my work, so esta bien. This week our goal is to speak in Spanish at all times, so it's weird for me to be writing in English. Espanol is el mejor lingua! Es muy deficil, pero el Senor me ayuda mucho. Yo no creo que pueda habla y entiendo muy mucho. Hopefully that's all right. I have a hard time especially with knowing how to structure sentences and conjugation. But it's coming.

Thank you for all of your support and prayers I know the Lord is hearing those prayers because he blesses me so much throughout the week. I hope all is well for you at home. Keep me posted! Love you, love you, love you!

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