Monday, May 16, 2011

Time to De-stress

Wow! What a crazy, but wonderful week it's been. It has been full of miracles and full of learning. We talked to a lot of people this week and found some new people to teach and also had some incredible lessons with other investigators.

Kenny is doing well. He is overcoming his addiction to alcohol super well. We visited him a few times this week and he has barely had any alcohol this week which is huge! And the elders that are teaching him says that he's really be receptive to the lessons and is excited to learn. Yeah!

This week we met a lady named Laura. Her uncle was a referral for us, but ultimately we were led to her. She is a mother of 3 boys, with one on the way with in about a month or so. When we first sat down with her for the lesson, we asked about her husband and she told us that he had died about six months ago. What a shock for us. She was trying to be so strong as she told us what happened and how she is very alone in life right now, but she soon started to brake down. She feels so alone and has been looking for God and for a church the last little bit. We were an answer to her prayer and we feel such a deep concern for her. We haven't been able to meet with her since then, but we've been working on getting the ward involved in helping her with whatever she needs. I love how concerned the hispanic people are with others and how willing they are to give to others in need!

We also have been meeting with a less-active family lately that we love. We're not sure the details, but they were really hurt by someone in the church a while ago and had a lot of bitterness for the church. But since we've been working with them, they have opened up to the church and have such a thirst to learn about the gospel again. The mother is such a sweety! I love her! She's so enthusiastic about life and is a wonderful cook! Her son is about a week away from graduating from high school and has had a hard life. He was in a gang a while ago, but has been trying to shape up and he knows that the church is true and cannot deny that. He's a little stubborn, but as we have talked to him, he has had such a change of heart. The first time I met him, he told us he would never go to church again, but just yesterday he went to chuch and said that he really felt the spirit while he was there. When we had a lesson with the family earlier this week, the whole family was listening so intently and were so excited about the gospel. I even saw the son tear up a little- that's huge! That day they had also made dinner for us and the whole family had spent hours on the food. Oh, my goodness! I love them! And I know without a doubt that God is aware of their situation and just wants them to know of that love and to come back to him. Our goal is to get the son, Hassan on a mission. He opens up to it more and more every time we talk about it. Yeah!

One thing that I'm learning is that conversion isn't the equivalent of one event, it's the process of many events. So as missionaries we need to be constantly helping and re-helping our friends to come to christ more and strengthening their faith.

We've had some funny OYMs this week. People moaning and singing during prayers, people singing Popcorn-Popping, one guy that told us that he was married to Jesus Christ, and many people that might actually be interested in the gospel. The good thing about OYMs is that most people are super sweet to us and really respect us for what we are trying to do. They see the efforts that we're making to help bring Jesus Christ to people. I like to think that God sees us in that light too. In the mission there are a lot of numbers that are pushed on us and a lot of things that we need to always be remembering, but God sees our efforts to bring others to Christ and that is what is important to Him.

One other funny thing happened this week. Literally everyday, we have such crazy situations that we just end up laughing about as we are driving home and getting ready for bed. One of our recent converts, Juan, was talking to us about his daughter and he called her a Gordita, which is a term of endearment to hispanics, but in English it's the equivalent of telling someone they are fat. Juan has been trying to learn english and so after he called her a Gordita, he said in english, "She's a fats!" It was so cute with his little spanish accent trying to speak english and just sounded so wrong in english and we burst out laughing. Good thing Juan also has a sense of humor and he just laughed along with us.

One of the things the Lord has taught me this week is what a perfectionist I am. Because this is the Lord's time, I'm so hard on myself and if I mess up at all, I get very discouraged. Worrying is something that has been a struggle with me all my life, but now I'm just realizing just how much it is affecting me and also how much it affects other people. When I'm over stressed, I'm not effective and neither is my companion. Hermana Norton has been so patient with me and is always helping me to see that even though I mess up, the Lord is still willing to forgive me. He knows that I won't be the perfect missionary, but as long as I'm trying my best, I can feel good about my efforts and feel at peace. And I have seen miracles in my life this week, so that is evidence that the Lord is pleased with us and our efforts. Basically, I am realizing that I need to learn to de-stress fast because it is not healthy and not productive. Discouragement is one of the ways Satan gets to us and now that I am realizing how much that is affecting my missionary work, I am 10 times more motivated to stop that. The Lord loves us and is cheering us on, not waiting for us to fail. I know that is true with all lmy heart!

Well, I better go. We have a lot to do today. Love you ALL!

Hermana Hansen

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