Tuesday, May 31, 2011

UP and UP

Dear family and friends,
I hope you are all doing super well. I first just want to say that all your letters/packages recently have been such tender mercies for me. I know that I'm very slow at writing back, but I promise that with time, you will all get a letter from me. :)
It has been a really weird week. We had a lot of appointments planned, but many of them cancelled, so we found ourselves with a lot of time and not much to do. We were able to find people to talk to and visit and it ended up being a blessing, but it was a different week. It was also different because we biked almost the whole week. It is actually pretty fun to bike, besides the fact that it's really awkward in a dress, the sun is super hot and draining, and the combination of heat and a helmet does wonders for my hair. :) We had fun though.
This week we had so much good happen with our investigators. Gabby gave us a date for her baptism, June 11 and she is so excited. She told us that the night she decided to be baptized she couldn't sleep because she was so anxious. She also has the whole program written out already. She's a sweetheart! I'm so happy for her!
We also were able to see so much progress on so many of our other investigators. Two of our investigators and praying about a date to be baptized and we are so grateful for that. We know that the Lord is in this work. This week we've really been praying that our investigators can have the desire to read and pray on their own and to have spiritual experiences on their own because they all are having a hard time just reading. And our prayers were answered. As we visited with all of them through out the week, most of them have started reading and really enjoy what they are reading. Last night we visited with this young mom, Claudia, and her two kids. Her daughter, Brita, is about 4 years old and is the cutest thing ever and she actually said the prayer for us in the lesson. It was such a miracle to see the effect of the gospel on this little famiy and how much they are all coming closer to Christ.
This week is transfers and it's really stressful, but exciting. I know for sure that Hermana Norton and I will be here for this next transfer, which is such a tender mercy. But the elders that cover the other part of our spanish ward are being white washed, so we'll have a lot to catch them up on. We're both excited and sad for the change, but I know that it's for the best. The Lord reallly does has his hand in this work and I know that this will be a great opportunity for us to learn and grow.
This week Hermana Norton and I realized something. We've had a problem with just about every single person that we talk to. They all love to talk! They talk and talk and talk and talk some more and we love it, but it often makes us late to appointments and we can't get as much done because lessons or OYMs take a lot longer than they normally do. Something clicked this week that we've been so stressed all transfer about this, but that the Lord is trying to teach us patience. Before I left on my mission, my dear friend Aundrea Frahm told me "Patience is letting go of the worry". How true that is! As I've begun to let go of the stress and control the things that I can control, it's been so much better. And I know the Lord understands our efforts. I'm so grateful to be a missionary!

Con Amor,
Hermana Hansen

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