Monday, June 27, 2011

Count your Blessings

Well, it's been a week full of incredible blessings! I feel like the Lord is really aware of the people that we are teaching and I'm amazed to see the changes that have come into people's lives this past week. We really are being blessed in our area.

This last week we had an amazing experience with Marco and Stephanie, some new investigators I think I told you about last week. we had a lesson with them on monday night, with an awesome young couple in our ward. They planned an FHE for them and we talked about families and how to strengthen our families. Marco and Stephanie loved it. After the lesson, Marco turned to us and said, "I've been thinking and I want to be baptized." He told us of how much he's seen a difference in his life and he said that this was the path he wanted to take. Stephanie wasn't quite sure yet, but she said that she really loved what she saw so far about the church. we were amazed by how fast they have been able to realize the hand of the Lord in their lives! Two days later we had a lesson with Stephanie. We talked about babtism and the reasons behind it because we knew she had a lot of questions. At first the lessons was a little crazy. Her little boy was crying and we it was a little harder to teach, but the cute couple that came with us, really helped us to calm the baby down and focus on Stephanie. She opened up to us and told us about her feelings about everything. She told us that she had seen a huge difference in her life since she has been introduced to the church. She began to tell us of all these incredible miracles that have happened just in the past 2 weeks. She told us she's had problems with depression, but since she met us, she has been so happy. Before she has been so depressed she doesn't want to eat, but she doesn't feel that anymore. She feels like she is loved and that someone cares about her. She also told us that her family has been so much closer. There are other miracles that she's seen, but I know how sacred they are to her, so I don't know if I should share them. But there is no doubt in my mind that she has seen the hand of the Lord reaching out to her in her life. As she told of her experiences, the Spirit filled me and I felt such a deep love for her in her heart. I was reminded of the reality of God's infinite love for us and His willingness to reach out to help us all. I couldn't help but just cry for the last 20 minutes of the lesson. I was a mess, but I couldn't help it. It was the most spiritual experience of my mission so far! Her and her husband plan to get baptized on the 9th of July. I know that they were led to us and that we were sent to help them. I love this family with all my heart and am so greatful for the chance to bring them to Christ.

One interesting thing that I have realized is that when things go wrong, you always know that something incredible is just around the corner. The day before the lesson with Stephanie, we had a really hard day where nothing went the way we'd planned. Our lessons fell through and felt like it was a very unproductive day. We were super discouraged, but the next day we had that amazing lesson. Sometimes Satan tries to discourage us just when our greatest opportunities are there, so that for some reason we miss those chances, but we must always be positive because God always has something wonderful in store for us!

This week we also had Beto's baptism. It was amazing! I tried to add pictures to this email, but the computer I'm on wouldn't let me, so I'll have to try again next week. He was so ready and so excited to be baptized. He just had a glow about him. The whole program for the babtism went super well and there were so many people there! And, for all of you that know how hard it is for me to sing in front of people, I'll have you know that I sang a solo. I didn't do perfectly, but I did it. Beto really wanted me to, and I'd do anything for him, even be humiliated in front of 50 people. After his baptism, they had him come up to the front. He thanked everyone for being there and then he turned to Hermana Norton and I with tears in his eyes and thanked us for being patient with him. He is such a sweetheart! I am so happy for him and for his family! Already he is an amazing member of the ward. Just yesterday he was commenting and answering questions in gospel principles and sharing his testimony. I can't believe the change that has come over him and the light I see about him. The Lord truly is powerful and changes hearts everyday!

We also had many other miracles happen this week. We see the Lord's hand truly in all of our investigators and we see their desires to come closer to Him and to really do what He would have them do. I love people and I love feeling this love for them. I love being a missionary! I know that my Redeemer lives and that He cares about each and every one of us. He is leading us all on the path that we need to be on, whether we can see that or not. But we are so quick to forget that. It's so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of life and to forget to look for God in our lives, but He is there and He cares. I promise and I know that that is true.

Hermana Anneli Hansen

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