Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm growing

Wow! It's been an incredible week. This week I have seen a lot of opportunities for me to grow spiritually and to learn. The Lord truly knows that I have things to learn and BOY is He teaching me. But I'm grateful for it. I feel like this whole transfer so far has been a transfer of refining and that through it all, the Lord is stretching me and blessing me too. I'm learning a lot about what it means to be a true representative of Christ and to give my ALL to God. I have a long way to go, but I know that as I work a little on this every day the Lord will strengthen me and my weaknesses will become my strengths.

First of all, let me tell you about Gabby's baptism. It was actually on the 11th, but because of all the amazing miracles from last week, I totally forgot to put it in the last email. It was awesome to see Gabby baptized. She was so ready and had planned out her baptism program to perfection, but of course, a few things didn't go as planned, but the whole time she was smiling and so happy. The Spirit was there so stong and it was awesome to see her parents support, even though they don't really agree with her decision. They were so cute and it was so fun to meet them. She just beamed as she was baptized and the next day when she was confirmed. I am so grateful for her willingness and desire to be baptized. I am so grateful to have been a small part of that process. Yeah for Gabby!

This week we were worried about a lot of the people we are teaching and what their desires really are-if they really are serious about this all or not. So we went into our lessons with a desire to figure out where they were at. It was interesting to see how the Lord has prepared each of them. It turns out that each one of them have had a lot of special experiences lately that have actually led them to have more of a desire to change their lives for God. I have one story in particular to share. One lady that we are teaching has a boyfriend that does not want to get married to her. She has tried asking him about it and we've even tried to talk with him about it, but he's super scared of commitment. The funny thing is that this couple has been together already for 15 years and they have two beautiful little girls together. Basically, they are already committed. So we've been praying that he will have a desire to marry her so that she can be baptized. This week when we visited her, she told us that their youngest daughter needs some surgery and in order to get help with that, they need to be married. Also, if they are married, this couple will be able to get papers to be legal in the United States. So now there is a lot more pressure on this guy to get married. We see this as a huge miracle and we know that the Lord is answering our prayers so that this wonderful woman can be baptized and be blessed by the gospel.

Also this week we had stake conference for the Tempe Stake. It was really so good for me. I was so spiritually chastened and rejuvinated. In the adult session of stake conference on Saturday night, the stake president, Pres. Clegg showed the stake a clip from a talk to Elder Holland gave in the MTC. In the talk, he spoke of the experience that happened to the disciples, namely Peter, in John 21. In this chapter, it is after Christ's death and resurrection and He has already appeared to them a few times. The disciples are now going back to their former work of fisherman. They fish all day, but do not catch anything. By the end of the night, Christ appears to them and says to cast their nets on the other side. They do and their nets are filled to the brims. When he realizes that it is Christ, Peter runs to Him. After this experience, Christ is talking to him and he says, Peter, lovest thou me more than these (meaning the fish)? And Peter says, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus answers by saying , Feed My Lambs. This happens 2 more times and by the third time, Peter, more sincere than ever, again answers, Lord, thou knowest all things. Thou knowest that I love thee. And the Lord says again, Feed My Sheep. Elder Holland goes on to talk about that experience. After Christ's life and this great journey He had with the apostles, the last thing He wants them to do is to go back to their former lives of fisherman. So He appears again to them and teaches them, that if they truly love Him, they will continue on in this jouney of discipleship and apostleship. Elder Holland pointed out that our callings that we have now are not just a 2 year or a 1 and a half year call. They are forever calls. This call is a call to change, to become like the Savior, and to never look back. That hit me so hard. I need to look at this position and the things that I am learning right now as a call to love the Lord with all my heart, might, mind, and strengh (D&C 4:2) and to never look back. That is my new goal. To put aside the old and to look to God who is the "high priest of good things to come." Then will my mission truly become a sacred experience. I love the Lord so much that I am willing to do that and to change my life forever. I am going to let this mission change me for good. I have much, much to learn and here is the time to learn it.

Well, I hope that you all are having a wonderful day. I hope that you all had a great time with your families for Fathers Day. Families are so important and I am so grateful for good priesthood holders and the difference they make in our lives. Thank you!

Con Amor,
Hermana Anneli Hansen

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