Monday, August 22, 2011

No es facil ser una misionea inferma...(It's not easy being a sick missionary)

Well, it's been a long and good week. A lot of crazy things have happened that I'm excited to tell you about...
First of all, last night we got transfer calls to see where we were going. Hermana Norton and I have been together in Tempe for 3 transfers now, which is a little unusual. But last week when we had interviews with our mission president, President Howes, he told both of us that he didn't think that it's time for either of us to leave yet. So we've been expecting not to move, and last night we found out for sure that we will both still be here at least for one more transfer. It's actually a huge blessing for us. I love this area to pieces and also I love the ward. I love, love, love Hermana Norton and I know I still have things to learn from her. Also, we have a lot of complicated things going on with this area and we need to help the people we are teaching with their situations. So, it's all very inspired that I am staying here. I love being in Tempe, close to the mission office and mission president and to be able to be here in more of a city atmosphere.
This week we both were feeling a little under the weather. On tuesday night I started to have a headache and we both were starting to have tummy-aches. The next morning we both woke up not feeling good enough to go out, so we stayed in our apartment all day. I slept a lot of it because I was more sick and Hermana Norton was able to have like a 5 hour personal study, which if you've ever been a missionary, it's like a dream come true! She got to study whatever she wanted in the scriptures all day! I know it sounds super silly, but I am not ashamed to say that I have gained a great love for the scriptures and a huge hunger to study them more. There's just never enough time. Anyway, we were sick that day and a little the next few days, but we're all better now. What was interesting was that it was super hard not to be able to go out and work. I missed it so much and I felt like I just wasted the day away. I'm so grateful to be healthy again. :)
This week we encountered setbacks with almost every single one of our investigators. One is working in Flagstaff most of the time, so we can't teach him much; one is on probation and needs to work through that before he can be baptized, and we are teaching his son, who is progressing, but it will be hard for him to watch his son progressing faster while he still has to wait; a recent convert was hurt by some youth in the ward; another person might also be moving because of work, etc. It's so hard because they all want to be able to learn more, but they have things holding them back, but we know that the Lord truly loves each one of them and has a plan for their lives that is better than what we could hope for.
On saturday night, one of our investigators that we love to death, Luis, told us that he has a girlfriend here in the United States and he wants to marry her, but he's still married to his wife in Mexico. He's just in this horrible situation with his wife that lives in Mexico and because of this situation he's having a lot of setbacks. It makes it so hard when the world is teaching that these things are okay... He was getting ready for baptism and he still wants to be baptized, but now we've realized that he has a few holdbacks. But he is one of the most sincere men I have ever met and I have a lot of faith in Him. I know that I was supposed to meet him and help him on this journey to figuring out who He is and what God's plan is for him. It's crazy that so much crazy things can happen in one week, but I know that the Lord will help us through them. The cool thing about being a missionary is that the work is God's and if He has a plan, there's nothing that will keep these people from that plan. Sometimes I think I've been sent on a mission not necessarily because I have a lot to offer these people, but so the Lord can bless me to be able to see miracles in these peoples' lives. As a missionary, I don't make the difference, God does. And I'm just here to help them recognize that.
Oh, life is good. Things are going well and we know that even though there are setbacks with some people, as we trust in the Lord and continue to follow Him, He will work miracles. I love seeing people progress. We taught one guy this week that before we met with him didn't believe in God. This week, he teared up and told us that He believes that Jesus is the Christ. Awesome! Being a missionary is worth it. I hope all at home is going well. Love you all terribly and can't wait to hear what's going on in your lives.

Con Amor,
Hermana Anneli Hansen

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