Wednesday, August 3, 2011

reaching forth unto those things which are before...

This week I realized that one thing about being here on a mission is to have the attitude of come what may and love it. Of course we need to do our best to be the servants of the Lord that He needs us to be, but at the end of the day, if everything doesn't turn out just like you planned, just accept it and love it. There's a scripture in Phil. 4:14 that talks about being content where we are placed. I am happy and I am content and I am determined to put my all into this work and love it. I know this is a sacred privelege and I don't want to let any moment pass by without loving it.

Well, this week has been probably the longest week of my mission so far. As I say that, I don't mean to say that it's been horrible. There were many good things, but I've just been completely exhausted. We biked all week this week. I love biking and really am coming to see it as something that is fun, but it's just really exhausting in 110 degree weather everyday. This week we were outside a lot because a lot of our appointments fell through. But we are getting more and more people to teach. It's a slow process, but it's really great. Also, I'm am realizing that the Lord has things for me to work on through this. One of the things that I learned is that I need to just enjoy the time that I have here. I found a scripture this morning about that. It comes from Phil. 3:13 and says "This one thing I do, forgetting those things wich are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before." Paul really is one of my heros and knowing how to enjoy life. This week I've been longing for things I had before and dwelling on those things that I don't have, but I know that this life is to be enjoyed and it's especially important that I enjoy these precious moments that I get here on my mission. I also need to embrace this culture and language more. I know that I as we put our whole "heart, might, mind, and strength" into serving the Lord, in whatever capacity that is, we will find the blessings and the work the Lord meant for us (D&C 4). I love being a missionary and I know that this time is short, so I am here to enjoy it (thanks for the advice, Aunt Linda).

This week I got a big ol' stack of letters from my family from the recent Livingston Family reunion. I just wanted to thank you all for that. It truly meant a lot to me to see of your support and direction. It sounds like it was a great time and if I could have been in two places at once, that's where I would have been. Grandpa, thank you for the prayer that you offered in my behalf. I heard about it and I appreciate so much your concern and love. I love you all so much, each and every one! I know that family is part of what Lehi meant when he said "men are that they might have joy". We are given this life and our families to have joy!

Well, let's see, what else happened this week? We were able to teach a lot of new people, so that was a huge blessing. We had some really good lessons, but we will have to see this week how much people are interested in our message. It's always hard to tell until the second or third lesson. But I have faith that the Lord is leading us to the people that are ready for this message. One family that we taught this week met with missionaries before and then moved and lost contact with them. They seem very sincerely looking for something in their lives and we're excited to teach them. We've also been able to teach a young boy who has a very Buddist background and has a sincere desire to really understand what the truth really is and if there really is a God.

I've been really blessed to learn from the members here in our ward. There are a lot of young Hispanic couples and they are such a good support to Hermana Norton and I. They are our instant friends and they are so willing to help us out with missionary work. Also, there are a lot of amazing members that are just wonderful examples. They are so willing to do anything and to try so hard to follow God and not worry about what others think of them. They serve so selflessly and often sacrifice so much for others. I love this ward with all my heart and am so grateful to have the opportunity to know them.

Before my mission I wish I would have known how easy and fun missionary work is. I love it so much! And the most important part of missionary work, besides the spirit, it the members. If the members get involved with a person that is interested in learning more, just by being a friend to them and being willing to testify and be there for them, these people have the support they need when they begin to feel the spirit and don't know what to do. As missionaries, we can only do so much and we won't be there forever, so the people really need friends in the ward that they can rely on. I would encourage you all to consider how easy it is and to know from me that it's so gratifying, so fun, so uplifting, so worth your time to help Heavenly Father's precious children to find the truth.

Well, I know the summer is going by fast. I hope all of you enjoy the last little bit that you have. Love you lots!

Con Amor,
Hermana Anneli Hansen

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