Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life Is Wonderful

Oh my goodness! I have so much to say today! It´s been a wonderful week for me.

First of all, conference was incredible! I loved it so much and needed it so much. It was so great to watch it as a missionary. I found that I looked for things to help my investegators in the MTC and searched more for answers to the questions I have. I took so many notes! Though I loved it all, here are some of my favorites and the patterns that stuck out to me,
Jean A. Stevens´ talk about children was such a wonderful talk. It made me really think of my family and especially my siblings and the ways that they´ve blessed me throughout my life. I love little children and the humility and love they show and we need to appreciate them more and help them know how precious they are!
I loved all the talks about love and service, Elder Ballard, Elder H. David Burton, Sister Silvia H. Allred, and President Eyering. I particularly loved the things said in President Eyering´s talk, A person cannot give a crust of breat to the Lord without recieving a crust of bread in return and Have I done any good in the world today. This theme of love was the theme that stuck out to me the most. We need to love and we need to show our love through our service and pray for charity for others. Charity is truly the greatest thing of all!
I loved Elder Oaks´ talk about desire and that if we have a true desire for something, we can get over anything. Awesome!
Pres. Uchtdorf and Elder Bednar talked a lot about revelation and the spirit. That is huge when your a missionary! That was another big thing for me. I´ve been trying so hard to rely on the spirit and as I do, the Lord blesses me to truly know what to say in that moment.
Paul V. Johnson and Kent F. Richards both talked about challenges and trials. I think that topic will always be close to my heart because I´ve found that I can always use some comfort in my challenges.
Richard G Scott´s talk was incredible! It was so tender and personal! The things he said and the stories he shared made me excited to teach other about eternal families and to have one of my own some day.
Then finally, D. Todd Christofferson and Lynn G. Robbins talked a lot about chastening and becoming. So powerful!
Oh, conference. Mi favorita cosa!

This week I´ve been learning a lot about enjoying life and experiencing it and learning from the things that come. My companions and I decided that the last few weeks we aren´t going to get discouraged, we´re just going to do our best and love it because our time is slowly coming to a close. Having that attitude has helped a lot for the times when I am tempted to get discouraged.

My spanish is getting better everyday. As long as I speak as much spanish as I can during the day, I know that the Lord will help me greater understand and speak. The hardest thing for me is conjugation, so I´ve been practicing that a lot this week.

This week my companionship had a wonderful thing happen. We got a baptism! Well, we got a baptism date for one of our progressive investigators. I know this probably doesn´t make sense to a lot of you, but the investegators we have here are teachers roleplaying and pretending to be people that they know and have taught in their own mission. This week we talk Esteban, one of our investegators, and the spirit was very strong. We asked him to get baptized and he was so humbled and ready! Yeay! I can´t wait for the real thing!

I love my zone! I think I say that every week, but they make me so happy! We have so much fun together and they really help me to feel loved and appreciated. I love my companions. This week Hermana Farley and I sang Sisters from White Christmas to our roommates on the spot and it was crazy. We just had a goofy little time and I love how great it is that we can laugh and enjoy ourselves, but also grow so much in the gospel with them. They are all so awesome!

This week we had the opporunity of helping the new missionaries coming in as a host sister. It was so fun to see the enthusiasm of the sisters I helped. They were for sure much more excited than I was to become a missionary and I´m so glad for them. This week I have realized more than ever before how much the Lord has guided my life since and how much I´ve learned hear at the MTC that I never thought I would. The Lord is merciful and if you truly do your part, He blesses you one hundred fold!

I have some scriptures I want to share with you all. I´ve been trying to figure out some themes for my mission, and I´m still not quite sure, but these scriptures are super good
James 1 27 Pure religion is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction...
1 Peter 3 15 Always be ready to give a reason for the hope in your life!
Well, I have less than 2 weeks left here in the MTC and time is just flying! We leave the 19th of April, so so crazy! I think tonight I´ll get my travel plans, so next week I´ll let you know when I´m flying to Arizona. I´m pretty sure we get to call family from the airport, so I´m super excited for that! I don´t know if I´m ready yet to go. My Spanish is decent, but there´s still so much I don´t know. And I know that once I get down in Arizona and hear the native speakers, I won´t be able to understand a thing they say! It will be crazy, but I am expecting it. I know that eventually I´ll be able to be fluent in the language and that if I just have the spirit with me now, I will be able to convert through the Spirit, rather than through my words.

Con Amor a todos,
Hermana Hansen

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